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Unsolicited Life Lessons

Unsolicited Life Lessons

I’m an older dad co-raising two younger kids and parenting has taught me a few valuable lessons about life that I would love to share.

These come from the heart so forgive their vulnerable nature.

Life Lesson 1: Mind the Phases

Children go through many phases, each one different and special in its own way, but somehow each new phase always involves leaving clumps of long, wet hair in the tub after their baths. Which I, a bald man, must clean up before my showers, a cruel irony that does not go unnoticed.

Life Lesson 2: Notice the Growth

As a parent, I get to witness firsthand my two babies growing into young adults, mature in so many ways yet still incapable of squeezing the toothpaste tube from the bottom instead of from the middle like a toddler grabbing a churro. Such wise and intelligent kids, yet nobody knows where the hell the toothpaste lid went? Nobody? So, it just … disappeared?

Life Lesson 3: Practice Honest Communication

In our household, we prioritize honest communication among family members, and yet somehow I’m always the last to find out that there are zero clean towels left. Am I really going to have to use my bathrobe to dry off again? Yup.

Life Lesson 4: Be Considerate

It’s a blessing getting to watch my two marvelous children grow older and wiser every year, and despite that apparently I will always be the one who has to replace the empty toilet paper roll. Usually mid-poop. Does nobody else in this house ever notice they just used the last piece? Nope. They don’t. But I do. Usually mid-poop.

Life Lesson 5: To Thine Own Self be True

Both of my precious children share certain traits of mine, good and bad, so to better understand my kids, it helps to better understand myself, and therefore it makes perfect sense for me to invest in a lockable liquor cabinet. Just in case. Then hopefully my beautiful babies will forever hide the key from me.

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