Read the introduction to book 3 of the Funny Muscle comedy writing book series.
Read the introduction to book 3 of the Funny Muscle comedy writing book series.
My eyes cracked open fifteen feet below an industrial ceiling made of cement pockmarked with unfinished air pockets; I had no idea where I was. The front lobe of my…
The "Bad" Boy of Comedy from Wisconsin Tom Clark talks Conan, Just for Laughs, and comic vulnerability.
Burro racing - a mix of long-distance running, equine handling, and mountaineering, all with the potential to take a hoof to the gut.
We break down some pro comic bits (C.K., Burr, Papa) and teach how to write jokes with "premise intrigue."
Need a few laughs?Check out my appearance on the Total Schmidt Show.Lenny and I tell some funny the Second City and Chicago Improv stories.
We chat with Key & Peele & SNL writer Rich Talarico about his joke writing process.
We go over tips and tactics on how a new comedian can get their first booking.
US vs UK comedy, how rap and rhythm impacts humor, and writing exercises new comedians can use to generate more material.
British comic Adam Bloom chats about his first gig and how his comedy persona has evolved since then.