Reason #178 Why I Couldn’t be a Garbageman



When full, our outdoor garbage bin must weigh well over 100 pounds. I just watched our garbage guy lift it over his head and toss our trash into the back of his truck like it was a bag of feathers.
The truck has a hydraulic lift for that, but this guy does it by hand probably because it’s faster.

Here’s me on my first day of that job:

Foreman: “Hey Mike, that hydraulic lift is too slow. You gotta empty those 100 pound bins by hand. Are you on your phone?”

Me (on my phone): “Hey hon, can you come get me? I’m about to get fired. Yes, for old guy stuff. It’s the thing where they want me to do the thing, but I refuse because the thing is stupid, and I tell them. Fine, you were right. Now can you please come get me?”

It’s the same reason I could never be a mail carrier and hand deliver all that junk mail to people.

“Morning, Mrs. Lipstien. Here’s another fresh pile of paper for you to recycle. Some unknown charity requests and a hard copy of that bill you handle online. Plus nine pages of coupons in a language you don’t speak from stores you never go to for items you’ll never buy. Me? Oh, I probably deliver about seven trees a day. Seeya tomorrow. Unless it rains. Or sleets. Or snows.”

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