[*** Audio versions of the written blogs have been added. Cheers. ***]

My Two Nights in Jail (A true story)

My eyes cracked open fifteen feet below an industrial ceiling made of cement pockmarked with unfinished air pockets; I had no idea where I was. The front lobe of my skull was pounding away, like all the booze I’d swallowed earlier was now trying to force its way out through

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Arguing Politics is Like Arguing Ice Cream

Arguing politics is a total waste of time, like arguing ice cream. Lovers of chocolate will never convince fans of vanilla to shift allegiance. “Your vanilla’s too plain!” “Well, your chocolate kills dogs.” You’ll never talk a sherbet groupie into soft-serve or a cone-lover into using a bowl. “I’ll use

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Confession: I Joined the HairClub For a Week

First time I noticed I was losing my hair happened two years after I graduated high school. It was the spring of 1985. The Terminator with Arnold Schwarzenegger was still a big hit. I’d been lifting weights (like Arnold), so I decided I wanted a flat top buzz-cut (like Arnold’s). Paid my

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Vet Voice

Our vet uses a sing-songy ‘talking to a doggy’ voice, even on us humans. Here’s her on a first date.

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Morning Coffee Drama

A hot cup of morning coffee hits the spot until my French Vanilla Creamer snaps back and creates some MORNING COFFEE DRAMA.

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