Hello, and welcome . . .
This collection of blogs is for anyone trying to learn the tricky craft of standup comedy.
You know, those of us who dream of getting paid to make drunk strangers laugh.
Have great sets!

F-Muscle Pod Epi-40: CAIN
In this episode of the Funny Muscle Pod, we sit down with rising Dallas comic CAIN (@funnycain_) to talk comedy, persistence, and the art of refining

Hour a Day Joke Writing Advice: 12 Pro Comics
We asked each of our last 12 comedy pro guests what they’d tell new comedians to do if they had an hour a day to

Read the introduction to book 3 of the Funny Muscle comedy writing book series.

Guest Post: 10 Things I Learned in my 1st Year Doing Comedy
Guest article written by Chris Stiffler, a professor of economics, author, and comedy open-mic-er.

Contrast: Create indirect comparisons
Comics can use contrast to get big laughs. Here is a quick break down of that Humor Heightening Device.

Heightening Device: Sarcasm
Sarcasm, such an impressive way to get laughs. Here’s a breakdown.

Heightening Device: Exaggeration
Exaggeration is more important than math and has saved more lives than CPR. Here is a break down.

How to Punch-Up Your Writing, Even if You’re Not Funny
Punch-up whatever you’ve written with these five Humor Heightening Devices.

Hecklers and Haters are Harmless and Helpful
One thing changed the entire course of the show. Some dude heckled me.

SNEAK PEEK: Fine-Tuning Your Funny Muscle
A sneak peek at Book 2: Fine-Tuning Your Funny Muscle: Next Level Insights on Creating Laughs Like a Pro (Available November 10!)

5 Comedy Skills That Help You Communicate Better
Incorporate these 5 skills wherever you work and watch your team’s ability to connect improve.

10 Ways to Get Booked at a Comedy Club
Getting paid to make strangers laugh is an honor few comedians enjoy.

10 Ways to Warm Up a Cold Comedy Crowd
Being able to effectively open a show should be on your list of “I can do’s.”

Funny Muscle Break Down #1: Gaffigan
Breaking down Jim Gaffigan’s “Showers vs. Baths” using the Funny Muscle game plan.

10 Ways to Handle a Heckler
It’s our job as pro comics to figure out how to best handle hecklers. Here are 10 ways to do that.

10 Mistakes New Comedians Make
Here are 10 things a newer standup comedian does (or doesn’t do) that pegs them as a rookie, and thereby un-trustworthy as a joke spewer.

First 10 Things a New Standup Comic Needs to Do
So, you wanna do standup comedy? With a good head start, you can get better quicker.

Pro Tip: New comics, stop asking questions!
There’s no better way to peg yourself as a newer comedian than by asking the audience lots of questions. Here I explain why that’s an advanced move only.

How to Write a Joke
Here’s one way (out of millions) to write a joke.

A Writer’s Path Guest Blog
Had the honor of guest-blogging for the popular site A WRITER’S PATH.
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- Top-10 Mistakes Unfunny People Make – a strong Funny Muscle avoids the list.
- 5 Surefire Ways to Make Your Next Speech Funnier – get laughs instead of yawns.
- 3 Humor Heightening Devices – pro comics use these to get bigger laughs.
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