The “Bad” Boy of Comedy from Wisconsin Tom Clark joins the Funny Muscle Podcast to talk about:
- What’s it like to do a set on Conan,
- Tips for doing clean comedy (especially in Utah),
- How he added vulnerability to his comedy persona,
- Advice he learned from doing New Faces in the Montreal Comedy Festival.
Tom has appeared on Conan, Netflix, Comedy Central, HBO, NBC, ABC, FOX, and CBS. He starred in two comedy specials in the same year, “Outraged” on Amazon Prime & “I’m a Rescue” on Dry Bar Comedy.
Tom (@TomClarkComedy) also helps Mike (@mlukas1111) and Chris (@econ_comic) analyze play-by-play parts of his comedy specials.
The clips are interspersed throughout the podcast.
For a deeper dive into this topic, be sure to check out
The Funny Muscle Book Series.
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