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Contrast: Create indirect comparisons

Heightening Device – Contrast

Contrast: Create indirect comparisons.

Chances are you’ll recognize the format or template for this device. It’s when two seemingly unconnected things are sized up against each other in order to discover their similarities and differences.

When coming up with a contrast, think of this sentence first:

They do it this way here, but they do it that way there.

Whatever your two worlds are, your “here” and “there” get compared by contrasting whatever the “this way” and “that way” happen to be.

That form of contrast can be made in many ways:

  • geographically (this way in New York, that way in LA)
  • emotionally (this way when I’m angry, that way when I’m sad)
  • chronologically (that way as a kid, this way as an adult)
  • historically (that way at the turn of the century, this way now)

In other words, the contrast can be based on any criteria so long as the comparison demonstrates when, where, or how something is different from the setup.

This next example should help make that even clearer.

Contrast Example:

Here’s veteran comedian Adam Yenser using Contrast to make a point about men’s sexy clothing.

Click Pic to watch

Men’s bodies are way more disgusting than women’s bodies.

Just look at the sexy outfits people wear.

Sexiest thing a woman can wear is lingerie, which is basically nothing at all.

Sexiest thing a man can wear is a three-piece suit.

Just layers and layers of material covering every inch of his horrible body.

And just to be safe, it’s tied around his neck to make sure it doesn’t fall off.


Adam Yenser’s Comedy Lens: Uniquely conservative observational takes.

Bit Name: Sexy Men’s Clothing

Premise: Men’s bodies are way more disgusting than women’s bodies.

Setup (apply Comedy Lens—Uniquely conservative observational takes): Just look at the sexy outfits people wear.

(Norm: Bathing suits, pajamas. )

Violate the norm: (How SEXY are they?)


  • Sexiest thing a woman can wear is lingerie, which is basically nothing at all. Sexiest thing a man can wear is a three-piece suit. (contrast, innuendo)
  • Just layers and layers of material covering every inch of his horrible body. (contrast continued)
  • And just to be safe, it’s tied around his neck to make sure it doesn’t fall off. (contrast continued)
Hope that helps!
This content was lifted directly from Book Two of the Funny Muscle series :
Fine-Tuning Your Funny Muscle: How to Practice Creating Laughs Like a Pro
(click to order your copy today!)

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