CHANGE: The Cost of Admission



I find this picture to be the perfect metaphor for change.

Getting ready for that ‘next‘ thing involves letting go of that ‘current’ thing. Then for a moment there you are – a bold risk taker – floating in the wind, ready to descend to your demise.

But like a daring trapeze artist, we must trust that we let go for a damn good reason. And that the absolute terror of a potential free fall is the cost of admission for whatever comes next.

Where the metaphor gets weird is when that ‘next’ thing is literally an upside-down shirtless dude wearing green stretch pants and no shoes.

He’s like, “Hey yo, playa, you looking for some excitement? Grab both my hands.”
And you’re like, “You know what, sir, I’m gonna shoot my resume out to a few more likely candidates and maybe call you back in a few days…”

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